Welcome to Our Church

Sunday Worship – 10:00 am
Wednesday Bible Study
(Zoom Only) – 7:00pm 
– Zoom ID: 815 5926 6062
– Passcode: 844917
Friday Prayer – 7:00pm
⟰ 6911 Iron Bridge Rd, Richmond, VA 23234
☎ (804) 275-3749
✉ mocchurch@outlook.com
Follow us on Facebook for Sunday worship streamed live!
About Us 
Message of the Cross Church (MOCC) is an international fellowship of believers committed to reaching the lost with the message of the cross.  We preach the Word, practice what we learn, and in the process grow together. Our prayer is that you will experience the love of God through the warm and welcoming smiles of our community of faith, and that you will know that our church is here to support you and your family along your faith journey. We hope to see you soon!
